
Infectious Disease Society of America



  • Creative Design
  • User Experience Strategy
  • Website Development
  • Optimizely Implementation


  • Optimizely

Infectious Disease Society of America: Designing the Real Time Learning Network during Covid-19

Established in 1963 with 125 members, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) is dedicated to healthcare excellence in infectious diseases. With over 12,000 members worldwide, including clinicians, researchers, and specialists, IDSA continues to grow, serving members across the globe.

As a long-time client of BlueBolt, IDSA sought to redesign their Covid-19 Real Time Learning Network, initially developed during the pandemic to serve as a central resource for members worldwide. Our Creative Design team proposed design updates and workflow changes, resulting in significant improvements:


Increase in active users in the months immediately following launch


User Engagement rate following the launch of the new website


Increase in website views in the first month after launch

Service Provided:

  • Creative Design
  • UI/UX Wireframes and Strategy
  • Software Implementation
  • Website Development
  • Third Party Software Integration
  • Account Management
  • Ongoing Support

IDSA's Real Time Learning Network Project Highlights

Redesigned IDSA's Covid-19 Real Time Learning Network

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Infectious Disease Society of America provided real time knowledge for its members

User Experience Discovery

Met with stakeholders and members to define how they were using the website and what aspects needed improvement

Data Design Overhaul of IDSA’s Covid-19 Portal

Did a deep dive in discovery, looking at Google Analytics and User reports to create suggestions on how to improve the design of the website

Implementing Optimizely

IDSA uses Optimizely for their one source of digital truth. Implementing IDSA’s Covid-19 portal on Optimizely was important to have all their websites be technologically harmonious.

As a longstanding partner of IDSA, BlueBolt helped establish their Covid-19 Real Time Learning Network on Optimizely, becoming a leading resource for medical professionals worldwide. In early 2023, IDSA collaborated with BlueBolt for a design and analytics audit to enhance their network's effectiveness.

With a focus on providing curated, timely resources for frontline healthcare workers, BlueBolt's Creative Team revamped the navigation, simplifying top-level categories and incorporating main navigation items visually on the homepage. Evergreen resources were highlighted for easy access, and post identifiers were introduced for clarity.

To optimize information accessibility and retention, BlueBolt's Creative Design team embraced minimalism, employing whitespace and a harmonious color palette to ensure a clear, organized, and visually appealing design. The redesign also included a refreshed corporate logo for IDSA.

IDSA RTLN Case Study Image
IDSA RTLN Before and After 1
IDSA RTLN Before and After 2

Real Time Success

IDSA’s Covid-19 Real Time Learning Network remains the go-to source for members in over 100 countries. Implementing BlueBolt’s Creative Design and UI/UX suggestions yielded immediate success. In the first month post-launch, IDSA saw a 63% increase in active users, a 56% User Engagement rate, and a 33% increase in website views. Together, we stand at the forefront of digital education, shaping the future of healthcare one click at a time. Here's to the continued success and impact of IDSA's Covid-19 Real Time Learning Network, enriching the lives of healthcare professionals and communities around the globe.

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